Welcome to Part 2 of Insights from the Epithets as we explore Hecate as the Guardian of the Underworld. Today I'll take three cards from the Crossroads Oracle deck that focus on this aspect of the Goddess. We'll Review what key words I feel connect to those and share some ways that you can bring these aspects into your daily practice.
Hymn to Hecate, Guardian of the Underworld
O Hecate Chthonia, (k-tho-NEE-ah)
Goddess of the Earth and Underworld,
You who dwell in the deep and sacred places,
Guide us through the mysteries of life and death,
Help us to embrace transformation,
And stand strong upon the earth as we journey through the shadows.
Hecate Nerteron Prytanin, (NER-teh-ron PRI-tan-in)
Mistress of the Dead,
Guardian of the souls who pass from this life,
Watch over the spirits of our ancestors,
Guide them with compassion to their resting place,
And grant us your wisdom as we honor those who came before.
O Hecate Brimo, (BREE-mo)
The Terrifying, the Fierce Protector,
In your powerful presence, we find the strength to face our fears,
Shield us with your mighty force,
Help us to overcome the trials that lie ahead,
And lead us through the darkness to the light of transformation.
Hail, Hecate,
Keeper of the keys to the underworld,
In your guidance, we trust,
In your power, we find courage,
In your protection, we walk with faith and strength.
We'll be back next week with part 3 in the series. I hope you've enjoyed this. If you would like to connect my socials are below. Have a glorious day!
Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson
Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate
Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo
You can find my card deck, classes and readings at - www.HecateBrimo.org