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Cuppa & Cards Episode 13 Hecate’s Wisdom: Unlocking Divine Guidance

Writer: Renee OlsonRenee Olson

Welcome everyone to the final part of our five-part series on the Five Virtues of Hecate. I am Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson, Torchbearer, Keybearer, and Founder of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo.

Today, we’re diving into the virtue of Wisdom, the final virtue in our series, and one that is deeply connected to Hecate’s role as a guide and protector at life’s crossroads.

Prayer of the 5-Virtues of Hekate

Sacred Goddess Hekate

help me to manifest Justice in my actions

Temperance in my soul

Courage in my choices

Wisdom in my words

Compassion towards all beings.

Created by the Covenant of Hekate

As we look back out our previous episodes we have covered:

Compassion: Embodying love and care for all beings.

Courage: Facing challenges and fears with strength.

Temperance: Balancing life’s extremes with moderation.

Justice: Maintaining fairness and accountability in all actions.

Now, we turn our attention to Wisdom, a virtue that informs all the others. Wisdom is the foundation upon which we make decisions, take action, and navigate life’s complexities.

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom is the deep understanding that comes from experience, insight, and reflection. It’s about seeing beyond the surface and grasping the bigger picture, recognizing the interconnection between events, actions, and consequences.

The ability to reflect on past experiences and grow from them.

Making decisions that are guided by a sense of balance, fairness, and truth.

Knowing when to act and when to pause, finding clarity in difficult situations.

In my own life, Wisdom has been a guiding force in everything from my spiritual practice to my holistic wellness work. It’s not just about having information, but about applying what we learn in a way that fosters growth and balance.

Wisdom is the virtue that allows us to navigate life’s complexities with clarity, balance, and insight. It helps us learn from the past, act in the present, and prepare for the future.

Reflect on how Wisdom plays a role in your life. How can you cultivate deeper understanding and clarity in your decisions, and where can you call on Hecate to guide you in times of uncertainty?

Just as Hecate stands at the crossroads, offering insight and clarity, may we all walk our paths with the wisdom to make decisions that reflect balance, fairness, and growth.

Next week I'll be traveling to Texas so there will be no show for Friday but I will be back on October 11 with a new series Called Insights from the Epithets covering the new cards I've added to the Crossroads Oracle.

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson

Torchbearer & Keybearer - Covenant of Hekate

Founder - Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo


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