"With her daggers, she cuts away that which is no longer necessary.... "

Cover Photo - Circle for Hekate
Photos Credit - Renee Sosanna Olson
Circle for Hekate - Volume 1, History and Mythology, will become the go-to primer for anyone interested in the mysteries of the Goddess. Sorita has combined her extensive knowledge of Hecate in one manuscript, being sure to leave detailed references for the reader to take these keys she has given and unlock the door to more discoveries. Always be careful to include the subtle nuances that make Sorita d'Este the authority on the subject. This book contains detailed descriptions of Hecate's influence in antiquity through the use of stunning visual imagery. Including the Minoan Snake Goddess, one of my particular favorites. I also appreciate how the author takes the time to guide the reader into being more accepting of those who may have a different view of Hecate by directly addressing the Maiden Mother Crone aspect and the simple spelling of her name that has led to debate and contempt for years.

By foto feta per J. Ollé el 6 d'agost del 2005.
Sorita continues to explore the Goddess by taking us on a journey that explains conflation and lore. We learn of her lineage, her place in the company of Zeus, and then all the way to the shores of Ellis Island, and how the personification of Libertas is often tied to the mother Goddess of the Chaldean Oracles. The image from page 139 of the book labeled 59-Hekate Chiaramonte is one of my favorite depictions of the Goddess.

For the beginner and scholar alike, the chapter dedicated to the Symbols will quickly reference all things Hecate. From the modius to her sandals, Sorita takes us on a head-to-toe exploration of all the imagery associated with Hecate. Many immediately know of keys and serpents, but how many take the time to explore the others, such as lions, poppies, or star wheels?
One of the many aspects of the goddess that is most intriguing to me is her relationship to the dead and necromancy. Sorita delves into this with precision and careful reference to her sources. References to spells and charms related to the dead are another section that will challenge the reader to continue discovering more about the goddess.

Finally, the chapter related to Hecate and plants is a must-have for the devotee. If I had a dollar for every time I saw a request for Aconite to place on someone's altar I would be a millionaire. The table provided in this book is filled with nonlethal plants and should be required reading for the budding Hecatean, in my opinion.
Overall this book encompasses what we know and adore about the Goddess from a historical perspective but also includes modern references by authors and bloggers alike. Sorita d'Este confirms her place as a scholar of Hecate and shares that knowledge with the masses in this well-referenced and easy-to-read book. I, for one, anxiously await Volume II.
I would like to take a moment to personally thank Sorita for my inclusion in this book. I have worked diligently with the Covenant of Hekate over the years and spent many nights researching the mysteries of Hecate. Sorita has been a supportive influence in my study and practice. I was excited to see Sara Neheti Croft referenced in the book as she, too, was/is a huge resource on Hecate, and I still reach out to her with questions and comments on the Goddess. You can find information on the Covenant of Hekate on this link and the amazing blog by Sara here. Be sure to head over and check them out.
Originally published on Blogger - 12/24/17 8:34 AM