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Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo
An official Sanctuary of the Covenant of Hekate


Renee Olson
Jan 28, 2024
Where Are Your Gods Now - Worship Through the Ages
While we consider this topic - Where are the gods now? Let's also reflect on the messages we have from the past related to those gods and...

Renee Olson
Nov 21, 2023
Hecate in Greek Mythology
Several Greek myths and tales reference Hecate, the Greek goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, and the night. Here are a few...

Renee Olson
Nov 21, 2023
Hecate and Persephone - Guardians of the Underworld's Mysteries
In the realm of Greek mythology, tales of gods and goddesses intertwine to reveal profound truths about the human experience and the...

Renee Olson
Nov 20, 2023
Hecate & the Chaldean Oracles
Hecate plays a significant role in the Chaldean Oracles, a collection of mystical writings believed to have been written or compiled by...

Renee Olson
Nov 20, 2023
Tales of Hecate - Hecuba & Black Dogs
Hecuba is the daughter of King Dymas of Phrygia and the wife of King Priam of Troy during the Trojan War. Hecuba had 19 children and...

Renee Olson
Nov 20, 2023
Tales of Hecate - Persephone & Hades
Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Demeter was a protective mother as well as the goddess of agriculture. Her daughter was...

Renee Olson
Nov 20, 2023
Hecate - The Cosmic World Soul
"For Hekate as the Cosmic World Soul, February 2018 - a CoH devotional project-". From the beginning of time,...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Is Hecate the Cosmic World Soul?
In Chaldaean Oracles and Theurgy, Hans Lewy repeatedly identifies Hekate with Plato’s Cosmic Soul (Lewy, 1956, p. 6, 47,83, 95, 121,...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
PGM - Greek Magical Papyri - III
"PHORBA PHORBA BRIMO AZZIEBYA". Take bran of first quality and sandal-wood and vinegar of the sharpest sort and mold a cake. And write...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
PGM - Greek Magical Papyri - II
"ASKEI KATASKEI ERON OREON IOR MEGA SAMNYER BAUI (3 times) PHOBANTIA SEMNE, I have been initiated, and I went down into the [underground]...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
PGM – Greek Magical Papyri
[- - - This] name [is] a favor charm, a charm to dissolve a spell, a phylactery, and a victory charm: "AA EMPTOKOM BASYM, protect me."...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 70
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 56
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 219
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 224
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 50 & 53
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 35
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 147
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
Chaldean Oracles - 38
The Chaldean Oracles are a group of fragmented texts from the 2nd Century AD and are attributed to Babylonia (Chaldea). The text refers...

Renee Olson
Nov 19, 2023
TO HEKATE by Yakov Rabinovich from The Rotting Goddess
TO HEKATE by Yakov Rabinovich from The Rotting Goddess Pre-Christian, pre-Olympian, pre-Titanic Hecate world-tree planted in Asia Minor...
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