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Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo

An official Sanctuary of the Covenant of Hekate

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Altar of the Goddess Hecate

The Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo emerged from a blend of sorrow, disaster, and hope. Initially named the Sanctuary of Hecate Trivia, it was established on May 18, 2015. However, after Hurricane Matthew struck in October 2016, my entire property was inundated with floodwaters contaminated by human and animal waste, chemicals, and the wreckage of flooded farms. This devastation forced me to close the Sanctuary.

After spending eight years in a travel trailer, finding stability for the Sanctuary has been challenging. Yet, rather than leaving this place filled with sadness, I’ve chosen to stay and serve those in need.

From the remnants of despair, I feel to redirect this energy and restore the to these lands in the wake of a global pandemic and rising conflict. I am establishing the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo as an official sanctuary of the Covenant of Hekate. During my last dedication ritual, I witnessed an image in the flames that resembled the goddess holding a torch, a sign of acceptance my intended work. Now, like a phoenix rising, she has called me to reignite my mission under her guidance.

To me, nothing is more formidable than a mother protecting her young. I envision Hecate Brimo as a fierce mother, driven by anger to save her suffering children. Recognizing her as the mother of all and the source of our souls, her fury ignites when she sees the homeless and neglected animals. This anger transforms into action we seek her wisdom to assist others. At the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo, my aim is to honor her byating my body, mind, and spirit to helping those in need and uplifting those who have fallen.

The Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo is not a magical or spiritual tradition; rather, it is a community brought together by our shared passion for the Goddess Hecate in her various forms and manifestations in the 21st century.

Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo candle
Fire with image of a crone within.
Priestess Drawing

Support the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo

All purchases support the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo's sanctuary commitment to work with the Blessing Box of Goldsboro to help comfort the food/house insecure of Wayne County.

Order Oracle Decks, Books & Spiritual Gifts 

Journey into the heart of mystical practices with our collection of sacred rituals dedicated to Hecate Brimo. Each ceremony, meticulously crafted and steeped in ancient mysticism, invites you to explore the transformative energies of this powerful goddess.​​​


Each ritual offers unique guidance and protection, allowing practitioners to connect deeply with the powerful energies of Hecate. Choose the one that resonates with you and embark on your spiritual journey.

Drawing by Renee Olson

Step inside the sacred space of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo. Discover updates on sanctuary events, rituals, and moments of divine connection. Immerse yourself in the sacred energy of the goddess through exclusive videos capturing the magic of this hallowed ground.

Covenant of Hekate Membership Center

The Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo will serve as a remote membership center for the Covenant of Hekate. Membership applications can be submitted below.


Contact Information

Rev. Renee Sosanna Olson - North Carolina - USA

Re-consecration Rite - Completed 3/12/2022 

Hecate drawing by Renee Olson

Application for Membership to the Covenant of Hekate


Membership application process:

Please take time to read the documents provided here resources and carefully consider whether they resonate with you. you may also want to read some of the books and websites on our “recommended reading list” to learn a little more about the goddess Hekate if you have not done so already. You may also want to consider whether our membership guidelines and code of ethics based on the “five virtues” align with your own views and personal moral compass.

  1. Read up about the goddess Hekate and her various attributions. Many articles can be found for free in resources which can be found here.

  2. Read the covenant guidelines and code of ethics, which can be found here.

  3. Fill in and submit the Q&A form at the bottom of this page.

  4. Once your Q&A form has been received, we will contact you and may possibly ask you more questions and have an informal chat.


If you are successful, you will then be asked to write a devotional hymn and perform the devotee's rite, a copy of which can be found here.

  1. Prepare for the rite of the devotee: this includes getting everything ready for the ritual, deciding which full moon you wish to perform the Rite of the Devotee at, and also writing your personal hymn to the goddess Hekate in readiness for the ritual.

  2. Perform the rite of the devotee at the full moon, and then email the date, place, and time you performed the ritual, along with a copy of your hymn to Hekate here with your application.

  3. When your application is received, you will be contacted by email and sent a copy of the Rite of the Red Cord (the final part of the membership process) as well as information on how to access the private member-only Facebook group.


*The Covenant of Hekate IS NOT a magical or spiritual tradition. We are not a coven. Instead, we are a community united by our passion for the Goddess Hekate, in her many forms, faces, and manifestations in the 21st century. 


Recommended Reading List

Below is a list of books that the CoH recommends reading that are in line with the aims of the Covenant of Hekate and give background and historical information on the goddess Hekate.

  • Hekate Liminal Rites – Sorita d’Este and David Rankine (2009) Avalonia, UK

  • Circle for Hekate: volume I – History and Mythology – Sorita d’Este (2017) Avalonia, UK

  • Hekate Keys to the Crossroads –  Sorita d’Este and David Rankine (2006) Avalonia, UK

  • Keeping Her Keys – an introduction to Hekate’s modern witchcraft – Cyndi Brannen (2019)

  • Hekate: Her Sacred Fires – Edited by Sorita d’Este/ Various authors (2010) Avalonia, UK

  • Arcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman worlds: 2nd edition- Georg Luck (2006) John Hopkins University Press, USA

  • Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds 2nd edition – Daniel Ogden (2009) Oxford University Press, USA

  • Evensongs for Hekate – Sara Croft – hymns, songs, prayers

There is of course, a wide range of other books available on this fascinating goddess that look at her from differing perspectives and offer many different ways of working with her. You should read and learn from as many different sources as possible for a wider perspective on the subject.

Once you have completed the requirements above, you may submit an application to join the Covenant of Hekate via the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo's Membership Center using the application below.

Note: By joining the Covenant of Hekate via the Hecate Brimo Membership Center, devotees are automatically a member of the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo and are welcome to participate in any of the rites, rituals, or events associated with ANY of the official Sanctuaries of the Covenant of Hekate.  - All active sanctuaries can be found here.  If approached by a sanctuary not on this list,  please note that they are NOT an official Sanctuary of the Covenant of Hekate.

Crossroads Oracle by Renee Olson
Crossroads Oracle by Renee Olson
Crossroads Oracle by Renee Olson
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